Exporting from MongoDB
To export the database, simply tell
database (or collection) you want to export, and where to export it to.
Mine was the pets database, so my command looks like this:
mongodump -d pets -o petsbackup
This dumps the
database into the
directory. Take a look at what we have in that directory now:
├── animals.bson
└── system.indexes.bson
0 directories, 2 files
The only collection in my
database is the
collection, however you'll see a
file for each collection in your database, plus the system indexes
collection. It is up to you whether you want to take individual
collections, or a whole database, but bear in mind that your choice will
dictate whether you get information about indexes etc when you import
the data elsewhere.
Importing to MongoDB
To import, simply use the
command, which accepts either a single
file representing a collection, or a directory containing multiple files. Here's my example:
mongorestore -d pets /path/to/pets
You can specify any database name and path to files you like, so for
taking backups or restoring additional copies of a database, this can be
really handy. The mongo commands are well-documented and I found them
easy to work with - hopefully this helps you work with them too!