How to install windows OS

  1. Change the boot order in BIOS so the CD, DVD, or BD drive is listed first. Some computers are already configured this way but many are not.
    If the optical drive is not first in the boot order, your PC will start "normally" (i.e. boot from your hard drive) without even looking at what might be in your disc drive.
    Note: After setting your optical drive as the first boot device in BIOS, your computer will check that drive for a bootable disc each time your computer starts. Leaving your PC configured this way shouldn't cause problems unless you plan on leaving a disc in the drive all the time.
  2. Insert your bootable CD, DVD, or BD in your disc drive.
    How do you know if a disc is bootable? The easiest way to find out if a disc is bootable is to insert it in your drive and follow the remainder of these instructions. Most operating system setup CDs and DVDs are bootable, as are many advanced diagnostic tools like the ones I discussed above.
    Note: Programs downloadable from the Internet that are intended to be bootable discs are usually made available in ISO format. See How To Burn an ISO File for more information.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Watch for a Press any key to boot from CD or DVD... message.
    When booting to a Windows setup disc, and some other bootable discs as well, you may be prompted with a message to press a key to boot to the disc. To boot from the disc, you'll need to press any key on your keyboard (like the space bar) within the few seconds that the message is on the screen.
    If you do nothing, your computer will check for boot information on the next boot device in the list in BIOS (see Step 1) which will probably be your hard drive.
    Some bootable discs do not prompt for a key press and will start immediately.
  5. Your computer should now boot from the CD, DVD, or BD disc.

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