1) Install bind9
2)Configure local Network
3)Configure your firewall
Replace geoffke.be with your domain name to become your zone file name. Here's an example
Use the following example file and replace the hosts and domain name with your own, matching the ones in the zone file above:
6. Edit the named.conf.local file:
and add the following:
7. Configure your clients:
8. Test your DNS server:
Be sure that all of your hosts DNS settings on your clients point to your new DNS server before testing! Reload bind to accept the changes:
Test your server with:
If your server doesn't respond correctly, you can check the logs to see what is causing the problem.
#aptitude install update
#aptitude install bind9 dnsutils
2)Configure local Network
sudo nano /etc/hosts
as below [yourhostname] localhost.localdomain localhost
192.168.1.x [yourhostname].[yourdomain] [yourhostname]
eg:- ns1 localhost.localdomain localhost ns1.geoffke.be ns1
3)Configure your firewall
sudo ufw allow 53
sudo ufw allow bind9
sudo ufw app list
4)create the zone file
#cd /etc/bind
#sudo nano db.geoffke.be
Replace geoffke.be with your domain name to become your zone file name. Here's an example
; BIND zone definition file for geoffke.be
geoffke.be. IN SOA ns1.geoffke.be. admin.geoffke.be. (
2011072601; Serial
; Nameserver and mailserver (replace with your own hostnames):
geoffke.be. IN NS ns1.geoffke.be.
geoffke.be IN MX 10 mail.geoffke.be
; IP addresses of local hosts (replace the lines with your own hosts):
router IN A
ns1 IN A
www IN A
mediacenter IN A
laptop1 IN A
workstation1 IN A
5. Create the reverse zone file:#sudo nano rev.1.168.192.in-addr.arpa
Use the following example file and replace the hosts and domain name with your own, matching the ones in the zone file above:
; BIND reverse zone file for geoffke.be
@ IN SOA ns1.geoffke.be. admin.geoffke.be. (
2011072601; Serial
; IP addresses of local hosts (replace the lines with your own hosts):
IN NS ns1.geoffke.be.
1 IN PTR router.geoffke.be
2 IN PTR geoffke.be
3 IN PTR www.geoffke.be
4 IN PTR mediacenter.geoffke.be
5 IN PTR laptop1.geoffke.be
6 IN PTR workstation1.geoffke.be
6. Edit the named.conf.local file:
and add the following:
zone geoffke.be {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.geoffke.be";
zone 1.168.192.in-addr.arpa {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/rev.1.168.192.in-addr.arpa";
7. Configure your clients:
domain <yourdomain.ext>
search <yourdomain.ext>
nameserver <ip_of_dns_server_1>
nameserver <ip_of_dns_server_2>
nameserver <ip_of_dns_server_3>
If you have only one DNS server, you could use the following example:domain geoffke.be
search geoffke.be
8. Test your DNS server:
Be sure that all of your hosts DNS settings on your clients point to your new DNS server before testing! Reload bind to accept the changes:
sudo service bind9 reload
Test your server with:
Source code
dig example.com
If your server doesn't respond correctly, you can check the logs to see what is causing the problem.
Source code
tail -f /var/log/syslog
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